It has been many months of ravaging and devastating drought with dry bones and skulls attesting to the magnitude and severity of the drought, scores of people have been left hopeless, desperate and in a state of despondency ! Areas once inhabited have since been forsaken, deserted and left desolate! The bare grounds that once flourished with bounteous life and splendour has quickly turned into ominous plains of death.
Climate change is set to significantly and permanently change and alter the course of life for many parts of the world! Consequently many people will be forced out of their original homelands due to extreme weather conditions characterized by prolonged drought, famine, erratic rains, flooding, and rising water levels in the sea due to global warming.
As the stiff competition for the scarce and wildlife are set for a bloody confrontation and encounters! Cross-border conflicts are gaining momentum each day. Communities especially the pastoralist are up in arms against each other to protect and to exercise absolute control over water holes and grazing grounds. This like any other conflict has and will continue claiming lives and causing massive destruction of property thus subjecting and confining many in abject poverty. We are at the edge of being edged out by the rapidly expanding deserts and at the high risk of being swept into the ocean by the violent and turbulent floods.
We must act with urgency and move with speed to free our planet from the devastating effects of climate change. Our leaders must come down from their ivory tower of parochial politics and get intouch with the harsh reality facing those who have been devasted by the effects of climate change. They must listen to the cry of wailing women whose children have been swept away by floods! They must be moved by pictures of malnourished and starving children in Turkana Kenya. They must be TOUCHED by images of dead human bodies who had to die in conflict over scarce resources! They must be moved by pictures of women in Africa who have to walk for kilometers in search for water. Who have to risk their lives just for water!
As a school, we’ve started campaigns to sensitize the community on mitigation, measures to combat climate change. We are using public for a to create awareness. We’ve started a fish pond to teach local alternative source of income. We,re harvesting rain water and using it in tree planting. We are starting a tree nursery that will enable the community access seedlings at affordable price.
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